We help you differentiate in a way that matters, message in a way that coheres with what a buyer knows, and engage buyers not by sheer weight of repetition but by marketing that really changes how they think.


Ken Rufo, PhD

Ian Porter

Heather Hnizdil

Jamal Howard
Account Manager
Jarrod Atchison, PhD

Meg Breen
Project Manager

Liz Hunter Keller
Nick Danielson
There’s an old joke that supplies insight into why Manchester Street exists and what a marketing consultancy does. The joke goes like this:
It's late on a dark and drizzly night when a man exits a bar into a dark alley. At the end of the alley. where the alley connects to a more trafficked road, there's another man, clearly drunk, standing unsteadily under a streetlamp and staring intently at the ground.
The man who exited the bar walks up to the drunk and asks him what's going on, to which the drunk replies: I'm looking for my keys. I dropped them when I came out of that bar."
The guy glances over this shoulder down the dark alley, where the bar exit door is, and then looks back at the drunk. Confused, he asks: "If you lost your keys coming out of the bar back there, why are you looking for them over here?"
To which the drunk, annoyed, responds: "Because this is where the light is!"
Too often in marketing the temptation is to decide what to do based on where the light is. We focus on click through rates and impressions, and we get a sense that the marketing must be working, because we can see it. That data is important, and useful, but it only really measures points of contact and to some extent, the behaviors that follow. It does not get to the heart of what marketing and messaging is supposed to do: move the needle and influence how a prospect thinks when making a buying decision.
Data tells an important part of the story, but it doesn’t help marketers understand what’s happening inside the head of a prospect. By itself, it doesn’t help us craft a message that can really change how a buyer thinks. That’s where we come in.
The good news is that there’s a tremendous amount of research and thinking that has been done in how persuasion works, and we combine those academic insights with ruthlessly practical applications to make sure that your offering really stands out in an increasingly competitive B2B marketplace.
Our goal is simple: to help you differentiate in a way that matters, to message in a way that coheres with what a buyer knows, and to engage buyers not by sheer weight of repetition but by marketing that really changes how they think.